Make Your Own Castor Oil Moisturiser
January 10 2025 – Sonia Stackhouse

I lurrrrrve saving money, not just because it makes me feel like I’m doing something proactive to reduce my spending and takes the pressure off our household finances… it also means I have more money to spend on things I love to do - like craft & gardening!
I’ve also become more and more aware of what I put into and onto my body and I’ve tried to replace many of the store brought items I used to use - with my own home made ones.
One of the best things I did last year AND one of the ways I saved a ton of money - was to ditch my expensive skin care products and make my own.
I scoured the internet for different home made moisturising lotions which would suit my *ahem older, drier skin and after trialling a heap of recipes, THIS was the combo I found worked best for my skin. My skin literally drank this concoction up and I use it every night on my. face and every couple of days I massage it into my scalp too.
Castor oil is super rich in a thing called ‘Ricinoleic Acid’ which is known for its moisturising properties and is often used to aid with skin inflammation and assist in healing.
Frankincense oil is awesome for so many things - reducing inflammation, promoting the growth of new skin cells (which can help to fade any pigmentation and scarring) and it is also great for stress release, reducing anxiety and providing a sense of calm.
For a 100ml bottle
Amber Dropper Bottles
A Funnel
Cold Pressed Castor Oil
Organic Jojoba Oil
Pure Frankincense Oil
Half fill your bottle with your castor oil and then fill the second half with jojoba oil. The jojoba oil makes the castor oil less sticky on your skin. Add 30 drops of your pure frankincense oil and give it a shake.
Give it a good shake each time you use it to make sure everything is mixed up.
Amber glass bottles are best to store this mix in because they will protect the oils from exposure to UV light which can reduce the potency and lifespan of your ingredients.
Also, remember to patch test your skin first to make sure you are not allergic to any of the ingredients.